Behaviour change and achieving Net Zero after COP: the roles of consumers, companies and public bodies (webinar)

Monday 14th March 2022
Behaviour change and achieving Net Zero after COP: the roles of consumers, companies and public bodies (webinar)

Achieving Net Zero will require big investment in sustainable infrastructure and services. It will mean new approaches to how communities are planned and function. It also demands very substantial change in consumer behaviour. However, while public concern about climate change is now at its highest level, this has not resulted in large scale changes in citizen and consumer behaviour. There is a wide gap between wanting to do our bit, but not doing enough. How therefore can consumers get from anxious to active? How can companies and organisations better drive - and be driven by - transformational consumer behaviour?



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RED Hot Confidence: Building motivation, confidence and wellbeing (webinar)

Thursday 03rd March 2022
RED Hot Confidence: Building motivation, confidence and wellbeing (webinar)

Everyone wants to be able to be able to motivate, focus and present themselves as effectively as possible in any situation, both in person and online. Being able to do so directly affects how we are perceived at work and is also important for personal relationships. However,  most of us have found ourselves wishing we could just ‘get our act together’ at one time or another. The desire to make yourself seen, clearly heard and understood can often be inhibited. Sometimes that can be due to uncertainty about what you want to say. At other times the challenge is not what you want to say but how to convey it. Therefore, understanding how to unlock your confidence, positivity and self-belief is an essential tool in setting and reaching professional and personal goals.



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Tackling poverty and attainment in Scotland: the challenge beyond pandemic (conference online)

Tuesday 08th February 2022
Tackling poverty and attainment in Scotland: the challenge beyond pandemic (conference online)

Scottish Government, councils, education departments, schools, teachers and third sector bodies all want to deliver real progress in tackling poverty and attainment. However its scale, nature and shape has worsened during pandemic. Everything that was already difficult is now more complex and more deeply seated. How therefore do we move forward? This conference will set out the strategic picture we now face, discuss the emerging evidence of what has been happening on the ground and give insight into effective interventions.



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Data driven placemaking: how to deliver innovation with data (webinar)

Friday 04th February 2022
Data driven placemaking: how to deliver innovation with data (webinar)

By 2050 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. Scotland’s urban places have mountains of data but also infinite demand for services, living spaces and economic activity. Placemaking is one obvious answer to making more sustainable, rational decisions on where and how we live. COP 26 showed that without change, many communities globally will die and others everywhere face a dismal future. However public bodies, private companies and our people all act separately. Individual plans, decisions and actions often work against each other. Left untouched we will make poorer decisions, storing up problems for the future rather than placemaking better ways of living now. Therefore, we need to collect and harness valuable data to see the true picture of how our urban spaces are working and being used. That in turn needs to inform joined-up decision making to make better, viable, sustainable places. The question is, how do we achieve that?



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Understanding NPF4: what is in the draft, what do you need to know? (webinar)

Friday 05th November 2021
Understanding NPF4: what is in the draft, what do you need to know? (webinar)

Planners, developers and communities are anxious to secure a well-balanced national planning framework for Scotland through NPF4.  However, no final decisions have yet been made and Scottish Government continues developing policy proposals with stakeholders.  This webinar explores the key themes emerging from the NPF4 development process and explores what all stakeholders need to know about what is coming next.



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8th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference (online)

Thursday 28th October 2021
8th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference (online)

This conference – the 8th annual care of older people in Scotland conference – focuses on the core challenges facing care delivery for older people in the time of COVID and beyond. It examines the care of older people after pandemic and how we empower older people and value the care workers supporting them. It looks at what we need to do to get it right on frailty and pharmacy to drive up quality of life for older people. It is intended for all people and organisations involved in the care of older people in Scotland.



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How to get your message across to government and MSPs and comply with lobbying rules (webinar)

Wednesday 27th October 2021
How to get your message across to government and MSPs and comply with lobbying rules (webinar)

Organisations in the public, private and third sectors all need to be able to communicate effectively with government and MSPs.  Often that communication can go badly due to misunderstanding of how government and MSPs work.  In a post pandemic world many voices will be seeking to influence what happens next.  Will yours be heard?



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Public sector fraud during and after pandemic: how to understand the new risks (webinar)

Tuesday 31st August 2021
Public sector fraud during and after pandemic: how to understand the new risks (webinar)

This webinar will focus on the new risks of public sector fraud which have emerged during pandemic. It will consider evidence and insight from what has been seen during the pandemic period, discuss potential vulnerabilities and how to deploy best practice to remain alert to unfolding challenges and reflect upon the nature of non-pandemic related fraud during and beyond pandemic.



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Delivering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Scotland’s Public, Private and Third Sectors

Tuesday 27th July 2021
Delivering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Scotland’s Public, Private and Third Sectors

This webinar explores how the need to deliver equality, diversity and inclusion in Scotland’s public, private and Third sector organisations can be met, the challenges which need to be overcome to ensure that diversity is properly reflected in leadership and governance structures and the steps which must be taken to ensure that these ambitions are also reflected in the day to day running, culture and practices of organisations in all three sectors.



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Achievement thinking: personal resilience strategies to thrive in tough times and beyond (webinar)

Thursday 08th July 2021
Achievement thinking: personal resilience strategies to thrive in tough times and beyond (webinar)

This webinar is intended primarily for anyone who is responding to the challenge of working from home and adapting to the demands of remote working while trying to remain connected to colleagues and ‘the office’ - particularly Executive Secretaries and PAs - but is relevant also for anyone experiencing change professionally and personally. John Hotowka specialises in how to strengthen and protect the mental wellbeing of individuals and teams, so that change and uncertainty can be negotiated with peace of mind, focussed action and motivation.



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