Scottish school business management in 2024: surviving or thriving?

Thursday 12th September 2024
Scottish school business management in 2024: surviving or thriving?

Managing our schools well is critically important, but the challenge is getting harder with constrained resources and a variety of increasing demands.  More of everything is needed, so what is the way forward for those involved in school business management?


This conference will take place online.

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Closing Scotland's poverty and attainment gap: what's working and how do we build on it?

Tuesday 29th October 2024
Closing Scotland's poverty and attainment gap: what's working and how do we build on it?

The 2016 Programme for Government pledged to substantially eliminate the poverty and attainment gap within a decade.  A tough enough challenge to achieve.  Since then, COVID has impacted massively on education, childhood development, the economy, incomes, benefits and curriculum delivery.  So where do we now stand in attempting to eradicate by 2026 what may be the biggest driver of long term inequality in Scotland?


This conference will take place online.

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