The Scottish National Care Service Bill in Parliament: how is it changing, what do you need to know?

Tuesday 28th February 2023
The Scottish National Care Service Bill in Parliament: how is it changing, what do you need to know?

The Scottish Government’s National Care Service (Scotland) Bill has been published and is now in its parliamentary stages toward becoming law.  However, the scope of the Bill has seen the original proposals grow to now cover adult, child, justice, substance misuse and some mental health services and also proposes a system which would be accountable to Ministers.  So what do you or your organisation need to understand about what was in the published Bill, the responses to it and its parliamentary progress?  How is Scottish Government thinking on the Bill evolving during its parliamentary stages and to what extent is it responding to concerns?


The conference takes place online.

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Understanding Scotland's Government, Parliament and MSPs: how they work and how to influence them

Thursday 02nd February 2023
Understanding Scotland's Government, Parliament and MSPs: how they work and how to influence them

The Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament, Ministers and MSPs control legislation, policy and spending decisions directly impacting upon the activities of all organisations and people in Scotland. Informed, good decision making is important in good times, but absolutely critical in bad times. These are bad times. War in Ukraine, a weakening domestic and global economy, high inflation, constitutional uncertainty, volatile UK Government and its stark consequences for public finances and public spending - all while still in the after effects of pandemic - require the best judgement. So, in the midst of wave after wave of uncertainty buffeting Scotland's public services, private sector and third sector, it is essential to understand how to effectively influence, inform and connect with the key decision makers as they respond to the challenges ahead.


This conference will take place online.

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9th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference

Tuesday 13th December 2022
9th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference

How we care for our older people is one of the most basic indicators of whether a society and its services are functioning well. However in less than twenty years 25% of Scotland's population will be 65 or older and those over 70 will be living with an average of three chronic conditions. So, are we caring for our older people well now? Are we prepared for the increased demand ahead? What can we learn from current trends and good practice and what needs to happen next in spending and service evolution to prepare for both the challenges we face now and those that are imminent?


This conference will take place online. 

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Build motivation, credibility and wellbeing: achieve RED hot confidence

Wednesday 31st August 2022
Build motivation, credibility and wellbeing: achieve RED hot confidence

Everyone wants to be able to motivate, focus and present themselves as effectively as possible in any situation, both in person and online. Being able to do so directly affects how we are perceived at work and is also important for personal relationships. Therefore, understanding how to unlock your confidence, positivity and self-belief is an essential tool in setting and reaching professional and personal goals.


This webinar is online.

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Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Scotland: what will it mean for your organisation?

Thursday 03rd June 2021
Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Scotland: what will it mean for your organisation?

This webinar explores the legal and service delivery implications for all Scottish public authorities of the implementation of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child into Scottish law. It will examine how public sector bodies - and anyone undertaking functions or providing services to children with public money - can meet the challenge of acting compatibly with the incorporated UNCRC requirements, reflecting them in their day to day running, culture and practices.



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City Centres, Town Centres and High Streets after COVID: Rediscovering localism, redefining purpose

Thursday 15th April 2021
City Centres, Town Centres and High Streets after COVID: Rediscovering localism, redefining purpose

This webinar will explore the effects and consequences of the COVID pandemic for how we live and work in our city and town centres and our high streets. It will examine the opportunities for transformational change in the centre of our urban spaces and will consider current thinking and initiatives to turn threat into opportunity as dramatic structural changes are already unfolding.



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Scotland's Journey to Net Zero: Delivering on the Scottish Government's response to climate emergency (conference online)

Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Scotland's Journey to Net Zero: Delivering on the Scottish Government's response to climate emergency (conference online)

This conference discusses the Scottish Government's objective of achieving a net zero Scotland by 2045, considers the policy and funding commitments announced by the First Minister to support that objective and looks at the challenges and opportunities for core carbon-emitting organisations, sectors and services in responding to the Scottish Government's ambitions.



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Rethinking Smart Cities and City Regions After Coronavirus

Tuesday 16th March 2021
Rethinking Smart Cities and City Regions After Coronavirus

This webinar will discuss the immediate and long term effects of coronavirus upon our cities and city-regions with a focus on the potential of data, the meaning of smart cities post-Covid and approaches to smart city region economic recovery in the key engines of our economy.



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Scotland’s Housing to 2040: Delivering on the Scottish Government’s Vision (conference online)

Monday 15th March 2021
Scotland’s Housing to 2040: Delivering on the Scottish Government’s Vision (conference online)

This conference discusses the Scottish Government’s policies and vision to deliver ‘Housing to 2040’, examines related themes impacting upon housing policy and delivery – including the drive for Net Zero, the opportunity of Green Investment, the new Planning Act and development of NPF4 – and considers the role of local housing strategies, place-based policy, affordability and market interventions in influencing delivery in Scotland’s private and public housing markets.



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Accountability, information and openness in pandemic and beyond

Wednesday 03rd March 2021
Accountability, information and openness in pandemic and beyond

The webinar will explore how the COVID pandemic and its consequences have impacted upon public bodies in terms of availability of information, effects upon accountability and transparency of decision making. It will discuss the lessons of that experience during pandemic and the implications for a culture of openness in those bodies post-pandemic. 



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End of search results.