This conference discusses the Scottish Government’s policies and vision to deliver ‘Housing to 2040’, examines related themes impacting upon housing policy and delivery – including the drive for Net Zero, the opportunity of Green Investment, the new Planning Act and development of NPF4 – and considers the role of local housing strategies, place-based policy, affordability and market interventions in influencing delivery in Scotland’s private and public housing markets.
The Scottish Government is committed to a ‘Housing to 2040’ vision and route map. This is intended to align with the new Infrastructure Investment Plan and the Capital Spending Review, also taking account of recommendations from the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland on strategic priorities. In addition, the Scottish Government’s 2019 ‘Programme for Government’, is littered with policy and spending initiatives focused on housing and housing-related issues including planning, decarbonisation and infrastructure investment, among others.
Programme for Government commitments include: “…Affordable Housing Supply Programme benefits our economy by £1.4 billion each year…Ensuring that new homes are energy efficient is key to tackling the global climate emergency and, by keeping heating costs low, contributes to our efforts to tackle poverty….We also want to ensure we have a healthy home ownership and new build sector…the fourth National Planning Framework will explore planning options that radically accelerate reduction of emissions…which sets out how and where development should take place across Scotland for the period to 2050…” Programme for Government, Scottish Government, 3rd September 2019
A wide range of policies are now driving how Scottish housing will develop in the years to 2040, many of which will determine the future of housing at a much higher strategic level – in the drive for carbon reduction, the transformation of planning and the aggregation of projects aimed at attracting large scale inward investment. If you want to understand how Scottish housing is likely to be shaped and changed across all sectors in the next 20 years this conference is for you.
The conference is structured to discuss Scotland’s housing in three parts:
Benefits of attending:
Who should attend:
This conference will be relevant for anyone involved in the planning, development, delivery and management of housing in Scotland and associated activities such as infrastructure funding and investment, carbon reduction and energy efficiency, place-based and whole system policy development.
This includes house builders, developers, planners, housing and planning committee members, social housing providers, private landlords, community representatives, lawyers with housing and planning specialisms, architects & designers, housing advisors, housing and planning academics, housing funders and investors, carbon reduction advisors, specialists and implementation organisations including those in the field of energy efficiency, district heating, energy retrofit and heat decarbonisation. More generally it includes all public sector bodies with housing interests and responsibilities, private companies with engagement in the housing system, strategic bodies with an interest in housing and spatial planning, third & community sector organisations, and agencies and departments supporting housing development and growth.
Board Member
Eildon Housing Association
Director - Research and Strategy
Rettie & Co
Planning Director
Third Revolution Projects
Head of Development
Midlothian Council
Professor of Future Construction & Director of Centre for Future Infrastructure, School of Engineering
University of Edinburgh
09:25 Chair's Opening Remarks
Allan Lundmark, Board Member, Eildon Housing Association
Session One: Understanding Scotland’s Strategic Objectives and Key Drivers in Housing
09:30 Affordability for All - The Whole Cost Picture for Housing
Dr John Boyle, Director of Research and Strategy, Rettie & Co
09:50 Net Zero and Scottish Housing
Professor Sean Smith, Professor of Future Construction and Director of Centre for Future Infrastructure, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh
10:10 Question and Answer Session
10:30 Comfort Break
Session Two: Planning, Delivery and Sustainability
10:45 The Central Role of Planning in Delivery
Stefano Smith FRTPI, Director, Stefano Smith Planning
11.05 Transformation in Housing - The Context of Place
Fiona Clandillon, Associate Director, Scottish Futures Trust
11:25 Question and Answer Session
11:45 Chair's Closing Remarks
Allan Lundmark, Board Member, Eildon Housing Association
Allan Lundmark
Board Member
Eildon Housing Association
Allan joined Eildon Housing Association Board in September 2015. He is also a Director of Eildon Enterprise Ltd.
Before his retirement, he was Director of Planning at Homes for Scotland, the voice of the Scottish home building industry.
He has a Diploma in Town Planning and a B.Sc (Hons.) Degree in Town and Country Planning. He was a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute from 1976 until 2014. He is Chair of the Trekking and Riding Society of Scotland and a Director of Horsescotland. Most recently he was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland.
In his spare time, he enjoy commentating at Horse Trials, watching rugby and playing golf.
John Boyle (Dr)
Director - Research and Strategy
Rettie & Co
Dr John Boyle leads the Rettie & Co Research Team, providing a cutting-edge research and consultancy function. His work informs clients on sales, lettings, investment and development opportunities. He also analyses the current status of property markets and assesses how they are likely to change. Over the last 17 years, he has worked for all of the major house builders in Scotland, the Scottish Government, many local authorities and investors. He led the Scottish Government’s study into the 5-year Review of the Home Report. He sits on Homes for Scotland’s Policy Advisory Group and is a member of the Society of Property Researchers and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Stefano Smith FRTPI
Planning Director
Third Revolution Projects
Stefano is a commercial and pragmatic development planner with a strong customer focus. Stefano has nearly 30 years of UK professional experience of managing multi-disciplinary teams within a planning, environmental, design and engineering consultancy.
He has extensive experience in providing development planning and project management services in the environment, infrastructure, energy, commercial, industrial, housing and mixed-use sectors. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute (FRTPI) with experience in statutory planning (including approvals & consents and expert witness), sustainability, regeneration, master planning & urban design, consultation & engagement strategies and tools & development economics. He is a seasoned practitioner in stakeholder engagement and the development of communication strategies, as well as the use of appraisal and assessment tools.
Stefano has successfully advised, negotiated, and delivered complex land development and infrastructure projects of ranging sizes. He has worked in both the private and public sectors, particularly pertaining to the principles and practice of the economics of urban regeneration, land development, sustainability, urban design, complex environmental assessment, and project management.
Fiona Clandillon
Head of Development
Midlothian Council
Fiona is leading on the delivery of an ambitious capital investment strategy for Scotland’s fastest growing local authority. This includes Scotland's largest passivhaus housing programme and a major expansion in Midlothian's learning estate to support existing and expanding communities.
Fiona has been working to realise the potential of land across Scotland for almost 20 years. As a chartered town planner, Fiona focuses on developing practical, collaborative solutions to unlock or accelerate housing sites to create new and better places for communities to thrive in and more and better homes for people to live in.
Sean Smith (Professor)
Professor of Future Construction & Director of Centre for Future Infrastructure, School of Engineering
University of Edinburgh
Sean is Professor of Future Construction and Director of Centre for Future Infrastructure, within the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.
After graduating (1992) from Heriot-Watt University in Building Economics, he undertook a PhD investigating complex vibration analysis for timber frame buildings, and worked for 3 years with Defence Research Agency researching sound transmission in helicopters and aircraft.
Between 1994-99 he also worked as an invited guest scientist at the government construction research laboratories in Canada, Italy and Germany. In 2001 he joined RMP Acoustics and Napier University and was deputy director of the Building Performance Centre. In 2002-04 He led the technical development of robust details for sound insulation for Part E of the building regulations now utilised in over 1 million UK homes. From 2010 to 2020 he was Director of the Institute for Sustainable Construction managing 5 research centres involving offsite, energy, timber engineering, wood science and acoustics & vibration.
In 2009-2013 he led the Low Carbon Building Technologies Gateway applied research team, supporting over 200 new products and systems. He led the government review of the Scottish Offsite construction sector in 2012 and initiated the 11 universities partnership with industry to form the CSIC.
He led the £6M Housing, Construction & Infrastructure (HCI) Skills Gateway for SE Scotland City Region Deal.
He has been an advisor to CEN and ISO committees and formed research networks with 30+ countries. His research teams have twice won the Queen's Anniversary Prize for the positive impact of their research for industry, society and the environment. He led one of the four UK CIAT Centres of Excellence in Architectural Technology.
His research has involved PhD supervision for sound transmission in buildings, new refugee shelter designs, and the design of new storm surge protection schemes developing the DAMMS framework. In 2018 he chaired the Scottish government working group on Future New Housing Construction Skills with government report published in 2019 and recommendations were adopted in Programme for Government 2020.
He serves on a range of external committees and boards involved in innovation, housing and infrastructure and has led and co-invented 17 patented construction products involving a range of companies.
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Conference fees
Delegate fee (includes video recording) – £149 +VAT
Video recording (should you wish to purchase a video recording without registering to attend the conference) – £99 +VAT
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