Good governance has always been critical, but in 2025, it has become indispensable. Public sector bodies face unprecedented challenges: constrained budgets, damaged services, evolving public expectations and increasing demands for transparency and accountability. The need to ensure strong governance frameworks that support innovation, resilience efficiency and collaboration has never been greater.
Those who govern our public bodies today face a daunting task. To stretch limited budgets and resources to meet rising demand for services. To bend the spend yet maintain and improve service quality and safety. To help their organisations become more efficient and innovative in the way they design and deliver services. All whilst operating within pre-set policy frameworks and guidelines set out by Government and sector regulators.
This conference addresses how governance can navigate this period of rapid change. With ongoing fiscal pressures, the need to reform service delivery under tight financial constraints provides the backdrop for these discussions. The longer-term Local Governance Review and the drive toward inclusive decision-making also emphasise the need to align governance with community priorities.
Across three focused sessions, this conference will examine governance in practice: its role in setting strategic visions, building leadership and fostering trust across organisations and with the public. It will explore how to integrate robust governance systems that not only mitigate risks but also capitalize on opportunities for improvement through collaboration and stakeholder engagement. With a lens on transparency and accountability, the conference will also examine the role of internal audits, boards, and leadership teams in maintaining operational excellence. As Scotland’s public services strive to balance innovation with efficiency, these discussions will focus on navigating uncertainties while delivering outcomes that meet public needs.
This conference will address the challenge of good governance across three sessions:
Topics to be discussed
Who should attend
All those concerned with the development and delivery of good governance in Scotland, including:
09:15 Chair's opening remarks
Session 1: Good governance – why it matters in good times and bad
09:20 Keynote Speaker
09:35 Question and answer session
09:45 Good governance – what is it and what does it look like?
10:00 The importance of vision, strategy and leadership
10:15 Question and answer session
10:30 Comfort break
Session 2: Core themes in delivering good governance
10:45 Governance and leadership – supporting change and achieving success
11:00 Being a Governor – understanding the role and developing good relationships
11:15 When things go wrong – valuing complaints for good governance
11:30 Question and answer session
11:45 Comfort break
Session 3: Delivering good governance every day
12:00 Effective 360 engagement – staff and stakeholders
12:15 Boards, internal audit and reporting – maintaining good governance hygiene
12:30 Governance in uncertain times – managing risk, partnership and shared accountability
12:45 Question and answer session
13:00 Chair's closing remarks
This conference will take place online.
How to book
You can book to attend in 3 ways:
Conference fees
Delegate fee (includes video recording of the conference) – £169 +VAT
Group discount – organisations booking 3 or more delegates will receive every third delegate place at half price (please complete further forms if necessary)
We do not currently accept payments online and will send you an invoice.
You have the option of paying by BACS or card.
BACS details will be included on the invoice.
If you wish to pay by card, please tick the appropriate box on the booking form and a member of our staff will contact you by telephone to take the payment. Alternatively you may call 0131 556 1500.
Terms and conditions
By placing this booking, you agree to the full terms and conditions found via the link at the foot of our website.
Book delegate places or purchase video recording.