Scottish transport is critical to our ability to sustain economic success and thriving, stable communities. However, the strength and development of our transport systems is under challenge. We have fragile public finances. We need to attract private investment and confidence. There are now reshaped travel patterns following COVID. Transport is expected to simultaneously help deliver economic growth and meet net zero targets while remaining affordable and reliable. What therefore should be our strategic objectives and targets for transport? How can we innovate to fund and deliver both projects and services? Who should transport policy and delivery be seeking to serve?
This conference will examine how Scottish transport can engage with three core themes. Firstly, what should be the strategic and policy drivers for Scottish transport? Secondly, how do we meet the immediate challenges of Scottish transport needs? Finally, can we meet the competing delivery demands of passenger transport, active travel, climate, roads, business and economic growth?
Scotland's public finances are extremely constrained and in that context the Scottish Government's budget, passed in February this year, carried serious implications for transport. New road building won out over rail investment. Bus Partnership Fund expenditure was suspended. The Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme was cancelled. The Active Travel budget was again raised, although not to the target set by the now defunct Bute House Agreement. The question raised by such decisions is this – do we have a joined-up Scottish transport policy or are budget limitations forcing piecemeal revision of targets, projects and wider transport policy?
Transport has already experienced unprecedented challenges in recent years – certainly as much, and maybe more so, than most other service areas or sectors of the economy. The nature and purpose of travel was disrupted, perhaps permanently, for many. The long-term implications of that experience on revenue, development, safety and climate sustainability are difficult to predict. The immediately following blow of public finance constraint has both disrupted Scottish transport policy and made all the more imperative the need to be clear on what our new priorities are and how to achieve them.
The conference examines the challenges we now face in three sessions:
Topics to be discussed
Who should attend
This conference will be relevant for anyone involved in the planning, building, maintenance or delivery of transport and transport services and infrastructure in Scotland. This includes local government, transport companies, engineering and infrastructure companies, regulators, transport lawyers, academics and managers, project managers and professional advisors, smart mobility and data specialists, those working in transport and data systems and services supply, freight and passenger companies and bodies, partners in the transport supply chain, associated transport systems and services and transport representative bodies.
Technical Director
Audit Manager
Audit Scotland
Deputy Chief Ombudsman
Rail Ombudsman and Dispute Resolution Ombudsman
CPT Scotland
09:25 Chair's opening remarks
Judith Turner, Deputy Chief Ombudsman, Rail Ombudsman and Dispute Resolution Ombudsman
RailOmbudsman OmbudsmanTweets
Session 1: The strategic and policy context for Scottish transport
09:30 Transport policy for Scotland – what's the plan?
09:45 What is needed – reflecting on the range of transport demands
10:00 Question and answer session
10:15 Comfort break
Session 2: The challenges Scottish transport faces now
10:35 Scottish transport funding and investment
10:50 Can we meet our immediate transport priorities?
11:05 Question and answer session
11:20 Comfort break
Session 3: Focusing on delivery – passenger transport, active travel, climate, roads, business and economy
11:40 Passenger transport, active travel and local authorities
Paul White, Director, CPT Scotland
11:55 Transport – the climate, business and economy requirements
David Hytch, Technical Director, Pluscharge
12:10 Audit Scotland report - Sustainable transport and Scottish Government car use reduction targets
Ashleigh Madjitey, Audit Manager, Audit Scotland
12:25 Question and answer session
12:40 Chair's closing remarks
Judith Turner, Deputy Chief Ombudsman, Rail Ombudsman and Dispute Resolution Ombudsman
RailOmbudsman OmbudsmanTweets
David Hytch
Technical Director
David has been active in transport technology and innovation for more than 20 years. David is currently Director of Parkgate Consultants working on a wide range of projects and assignments in the Transport and Technology arena, including Franchise Bids, Supplier assessments assurance for programs and Program delivery. He has developed the Smart Ticketing and reservations proposition for Calmac Ferries and managed the program through Gateways and set up the procurement.
He successfully managed the CIO function for Transport for Greater Manchester and was a key part of the creation of TfGM to include the strategic Highways activity for Greater Manchester. David led the programs for High-Speed Broadband rollout across Greater Manchester, Wi-Fi on the tram fleet, installation of Electric Vehicle charging points across GM, new Traffic Signals and controllers across the Highways network, Smart Ticketing and the development of Passenger and operational information systems.
David has served on the Automotive Council Technology group, the European Program Committee for the ITS World Congress, DfT expert panel for Strategic road development and as an assessor for Innovation UK on Intelligent mobility and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. David is a moderator and speaker at international conferences on a wide range of subjects including Autonomous and Connected vehicles, Air quality management for Transport and Smart ticketing and customer information.
Ashleigh Madjitey
Audit Manager
Audit Scotland
Ashleigh is an experienced Audit Manager responsible for managing performance audits on transport, infrastructure, and public finances. Most recently she managed an audit of sustainable transport and the Scottish Government and councils progress towards reducing car use.
Judith Turner
Deputy Chief Ombudsman
Rail Ombudsman and Dispute Resolution Ombudsman
Judith read Law at King’s College London for 3 years before graduating with honours in 1998. She then went on to complete the Legal Practice Course (LPC) and a training contract before qualifying as a solicitor in 2001. She was previously employed by a City Law firm, practising in Commercial Law. Judith joined the Ombudsman in 2011 and now specialises in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
In 2018 Judith was instrumental in the establishment and implementation of the Rail Ombudsman. In her role as Deputy Chief Ombudsman of the Rail Ombudsman, Dispute Resolution Ombudsman and the Furniture and Home Improvement Ombudsman, she oversees decisions and recommendations and provides training and insight to the sectors and their stakeholders.
Judith is a regular speaker at industry and ombudsman conferences and events and is the current Chair of the Ombudsman Association Policy Network and serves as a member of the Civil Justice Council’s ADR Liaison Panel. She has written extensively on ADR and consumer issues and the co-author of the published Ombudsman content for Atkins Court Forms. She’s also an active member of the EU Consumer ADR collaboration TravelNet, giving her a wide and varied overview of consumer law and policy.
Judith is also now Deputy Ombudsman at the Independent Football Ombudsman.
Paul White
CPT Scotland
In addition to being the Director of CPT Scotland, Paul White is a non-councillor Board Member of SESTRAN and a previous Chair of the Scottish Transport Studies Group. Paul has worked in transport policy for almost 20 years across Scotland, Westminster and Brussels.
This conference will take place online.
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