Access to an affordable home and the ability to live in it without financial anxiety is one of the most basic needs for any individual or family. However, in Scotland we face a dual crisis - insufficient supply and lack of affordability in housing coupled with a spiralling energy cost emergency. The housing crisis is driven by structural failures in supply. The energy cost crisis results from massive price rises, energy company failures and instability in energy markets. The combination of both of these is toxic to the finances and life chances of families and individuals throughout Scotland. How do governments, local authorities and housing and energy suppliers act to fix this?
Location:This conference will take place online.
Achieving Net Zero will require big investment in sustainable infrastructure and services. It will mean new approaches to how communities are planned and function. It also demands very substantial change in consumer behaviour. However, while public concern about climate change is now at its highest level, this has not resulted in large scale changes in citizen and consumer behaviour. There is a wide gap between wanting to do our bit, but not doing enough. How therefore can consumers get from anxious to active? How can companies and organisations better drive - and be driven by - transformational consumer behaviour?
End of search results.